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Underwater heritage in the Baltic sea: new visiting rules

Good news for those interested in underwater heritage: it is planned to introduce official rules for the visiting of sunken ships in the Baltic sea. This means that tourist groups will be able to attend the underwater heritage! Not only warships from the XX century are hidden in the Baltic sea, but also fragments of […]

ICCROM Wooden architecture conservation and restoration course

ICCROM (International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property) invites professionals in the field of wooden architecture conservation and restoration to take part in a wooden architecture conservation and restoration course, which will begin on the 26th of August, 2019 and will last until the 14th of September, 2019. The […]

Relevant information for museums: preventive conservation guidelines for collections

The Canadian Conservation Institute (CCI) is proud to announce the launch of “Preventive conservation guidelines for collections”, a new online resource for collections care professionals. Explore the full guidelines HERE. The resource consists of 18 sections. Some sections provide explanations and integrated advice on the care of specific types of collections and others provide basic […]

Free museums – every last Sunday of the month

Museum permanent exhibitions will be open free of charge to all visitors from the beginning of this year, every last Sunday of the month! At the end of last year former minister of culture Liana Ruokytė-Jonsson approved a new wider model for free museum visits – in 2018 this model was applied for school students […]

Invitation to take part in a „Heritage Houses for Europe“ survey

European Historic Houses association (EHH), European Landowners‘ Organization (ELO) and IDEA consult invites the owners and managers of family-owned heritage houses to participate in a survey as part of the „Heritage Houses for Europe“ project.   Family-owned heritage houses make up a large and rich part of European heritage, their use creates many job opportunities […]