Underwater heritage in the Baltic sea: new visiting rules

Good news for those interested in underwater heritage: it is planned to introduce official rules for the visiting of sunken ships in the Baltic sea. This means that tourist groups will be able to attend the underwater heritage!

Not only warships from the XX century are hidden in the Baltic sea, but also fragments of wooden sailboats from the XVII – XVIII centuries. At the moment, seventeen sunken ships are registered in the Cultural Heritage Register, but more than one hundred unregistered ships have been found…

Read more about it in an article (in Lithuanian) from “Lietuvos žinios” published in “Vakarų ekspresas” HERE

A revival of a windmill near Vištytis lake

We often use the phrase “Tilting at windmills”. However, after many years, Lithuania’s windmills are almost gone. The remaining mills are without blades, so it is impossible to fight against them. The sadder the fate of windmills heritage, the more joy the news about a restoration of one of the mills bring. A ninety-four-year-old mill standing near the border of three states is coming to life!

We are sharing an article by Loreta Juodzevičienė from lrytas.lt (in Lithuanian) HERE

Free museums – every last Sunday of the month

Museum permanent exhibitions will be open free of charge to all visitors from the beginning of this year, every last Sunday of the month! At the end of last year former minister of culture Liana Ruokytė-Jonsson approved a new wider model for free museum visits – in 2018 this model was applied for school students only. According to the former minister, this decision is very suitable to families, who can visit museums all together on these Sundays, free of charge.

As of now, this model is applied to national and state museums subject to the Ministry of culture, though the same model is recommended to museums subject to other ministries and municipalities. Museums that are usually closed on Sundays, will also open their doors to visitors every last Sunday of the month.

Permanent exhibitions will be open free of charge in these museums:

  1. State cultural reserve of Kernavė
  2. The ninth fort of  Kaunas museum
  3. M. K. Čiurlionis national museum of art
  4. Maironis Lithuanian Literature museum
  5. Trakai history museum
  6. Lithuanian sea museum
  7. Samogitian museum „Alka“
  8. National museum Palace of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania
  9. Vilna Gaon State Jewish museum
  10. The Open-Air museum of Lithuania
  11. Lithuanian aviation museum
  12. Museum of Lithuanian Education History
  13. Lithuanian museum of Ethnocosmology
  14. Lithuanian Theatre, Music and Cinema museum
  15. Lithuanian Art museum
  16. Lithuanian National museum
  17. Šiauliai „Aušra“ museum

See you there!

For more information about museum exhibitions, tours and registration visit museum websites.

Based on information from the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania and project „Muziejus – mokykla – moksleivis. Muziejų ir bendrojo lavinimo mokyklų nacionalinis partnerystės tinklas

Invitation to participate in a Short film competition „Proud of Our Heritage, Open to the world“

The EU Delegation to the Council of Europe, with the support of the Council of Europe invites you to take part in its first Short Film Competition „Proud of Our Heritage, Open to the World“. The organizers invite you to express your creativity using your camera or even your smartphone. Heritage in these films does not have to be limited only to beautiful buildings loaded with history, it can be much more – special spices you put in your food that make others cough, that dress your grandmother sew when she was young, or the deafening music that just makes you dance!


  1. This competition is open to amateurs or semi-professionals. Participants must be over 18 years old.
  2. The film should last between one and three minutes, including end credits.
  3. The film should be in English or in French. There is also the possibility to use your mother tongue with French or English subtitles.
  4. The film sent should be produced less than a year before the deadline.
  5. There is an obligation to use original music. Films containing music that is not royalty-free will be excluded from the final selection.

The main winner will be selected by a jury, composed of officials from the European Union and the Council of Europe, as well as a cinema professional. The second winner will be selected on social media, and the author of a best critique in the comments will also be given a prize. The prizes – cameras and other photography and cinematography gear.

You can submit your short films until the 5th of February 2019.

More information about the competition: https://www.coe.int/en/web/human-rights-channel/film-competition

Invitation to take part in a „Heritage Houses for Europe“ survey

European Historic Houses association (EHH), European Landowners‘ Organization (ELO) and IDEA consult invites the owners and managers of family-owned heritage houses to participate in a survey as part of the „Heritage Houses for Europe“ project.


Family-owned heritage houses make up a large and rich part of European heritage, their use creates many job opportunities and brings obvious social, economic and cultural value to society. The main specificity of this heritage is that the financial and various other responsibilities of maintaining it fall on the shoulders of the family, which leads to the creation of new and innovative financing and management models. This project seeks to highlight these models.


The main aims of the project:

*Measure the positive impact of family-owned heritage houses in Europe;

*Analyse innovative replicable business models;

*Create tools supporting managers for the sustainable preservation of family-owned heritage houses;

*Raise-awareness on the sector of family-owned heritage houses;

*Issue recommendations towards the EU institutions unleashing the sectors’ potential.


This survey seeks to map the socio-economic impact of family-owned heritage houses at European level, identify relevant business models and understand the use of EU funding programs. By participating in this survey, you can help build up the legacy of the 2018 European Year of Cultural Heritage and create an important tool to better the future of family-owned heritage houses and their owners!


You can participate in the survey until the 15th of February 2019. The survey may be completed in English, German or French.

Survey: https://www.europeanlandowners.org/heritage-houses-for-europe/survey/

More about the project: https://www.europeanlandowners.org/heritage-houses-for-europe/

Heritas Fair in Lithuanian Television LRT

A short reportage of the first fair Heritas on 18-19th of May was made by National TV of Lithuania, TV show “Atspindžiai.  Paveldo kolekcija”. In the same reportage you will find a reportage about Heritas friens – Hotel Pacai.  The reportage is in Lithuanian.

The TV show can be found HERE.