Lithuanian Art Museum P. Gudynas Restoration Centre workshops in the Heritas Fair. Even 6 different workshops will be presented where you can become a gilding, painting or other kind of movable cultural heritage objects restorer for a while.
1. Gilding – the oldest techniques of decoration
It is told that gilding is one of the oldest decoration techniques in history of art. Frames of paintings, certain parts of paintings, details of furniture, polychrome wooden sculptures were coated by gold leaf or gold paint. There are some historical techniques of gilding. Characterization of gilding materials, tools and techniques will be explained during the workshop.
2. Practice of Painting retouching
There are used several techniques to retouch losses of paintings. One of them is so called trattegio. Trattegio retouching technique demands deep understanding of artwork and physical and chemical knowledge at the same time. In workshops restorers characterize this complicated method of retouching and explain ethic and aesthetic principles of retouching in common.
3. Retouching of three-dimensional objects
Ethic and aesthetic principles in the restoration of polychrome wooden sculptures. Techniques of restoration, materials for different restoration purposes and solutions in practice.
4. Workshop with ceramic: fortune of broken cup – to glue or discard
The main goal of restoration is to preserve past for future generations. Restored piece of ceramic, glass or porcelain could never be used as before. But preserved by gluing object could serve to remind family relicts or witness impression of travels.
5. The use of tapestry techniques in textile restoration
The copy of unique tapestry fragment by using authentic technique of weaving. Such method of reconstruction is most aesthetic but also one the most complicated in textile restoration practice.